Dear Diary,
A stroll beneath azured skies.
After my paramour took off, I sat, cup of tea, the assignment open, ready to work (forget the loft and stuff, I figure it's all throwing stuff down, out the window. I can do that quickly.) Easy-life. Anyway.
Suddenly, a knock at the door, who could that be? It was the courier. My O.U. materials had arrived for Exploring History: medieval... 1400's... [onwards]. mEnTaL! AWEsome man! That's so cool! All six books, three discs. This has to be good. Come on!
I don't wanna get distracted from the main Flex: TMA 3, Mortuary analysis, the ethical debate surrounding cosmopolitanism and cultural patrimony - repatriation. Anyway, meanwhile, Back On the Flex Maxwell needs another cup of green tea and blueberries.