Dear Diary,
Well. We became lonely for lack of other people, then rang up all the musicians we knew. I called Gulliver the banjoist and old-timey fiddle player. Wolfæ called Siboney from a ska band: an excellent trumpetist, a virtuoso.
So anyway, I really enjoyed playing Bluegrass again (the first time I had done so in ages). Siboney sorted us both out some gigs. Gulliver and I suitably impressed the other musicians.
Then was some loud noisy stereo blare to adapt and improvise along to. After that it was Siboney's fortë: adaptation, flexibility, the ability to listen. We played "Spanish Flea" in Bb. It was frickin awesome! Jamming with both musicians was a real pleasure, such a joy. Even Wolfairy jammed some. We were so f- wasted. You have no idea!