I didn't blog for a few daze when I was ill, and now I've had one measley hit in three whole days. Bummer. The one hit I had hailed from across the pond. I like to pretend to myself it's someone I knew, if only slightly. I am going to read some Uni' related stuff, and also write a little bit today. War stories. Courageous tales of patriots, serving their countries. Like the lady that wrote John Brown's Body, I was a pacifist turn pragmatist, who wrote a stirring war-like anthemic piece of poesy, penning the music to such ... gladly conformist creations, compositions. Aye.
I just fcuked up. Again. Big-time. Remember me telling you about a job I'd applied for through the Uni'? Well, I made it past the first two phases (written application and recorded recitation) and have now been asked in for an interview. I am poor. Very f- poor, one might say I am a church mouse right now. Boned. Outta there. Shot away. Gone. Anyway...
The thang is, I have to journey up-north to the shire, be able to make it to Milton Keynes for 11 A.M. I just checked the time-tables and it looks like I really am boned, buggered, so much so that I just called the agency and wrote the Uni' to let them know what an over-zealous fcuk-up I am.
Right now though, I feel as though a weight has been taken aloft mine shoulders. I hath revision to do, and my books should be here soon, anytime now I should receive the book-bits by snail-mail, yessireee! Exploring History: Medieval to Modern 1400 to 1900. Yes!
Stay the fcuk on the Flex Maxy,
Post-Script: Virtually no-one reads this s-. So much for the 'virtual revolution'.
Post-Post Script: Here is what mah lil' dawg looks like...

... isn't he just adorable? (Not that reply comments are enabled right now, no-one leaves their paw print save my lil' dawg now. The question was assuredly rhetorical. Stay On the Flex y'all. You know I am. Sur le Flex ou quoi?!)