Monday 13 August 2012


Dear Diary,

Man! What a night! I did a gig on Bay Day, many other bands were on, they were all very average. Maxy got back together with the other element of Maxwell's Silver Hammer. We played a private party afterwards. It kicked ass!

I am off on a journey, but not before seeing Janie. This is the start of something new, snuggley, and very blitzed. Hazy Jane we both like by Nick Drake.

Their are but two reasons why I blog again. One, yesterday a close friend said "Max, you always tell everybody everything, it's not your business." I replied, "No I don't." He said "Oh yes you do!" Like panto'. Anyhow I though "F- it!" I blog again. Okay, now I will tell almost everything.

Secondly because I'm still banned from the Uni' blogosphere, for reasons ... just reasons.

I am compiling a lot of study notes on Amphoræ for publication when (indeed if) I'm allowed back. I am also re-working the anthem I composed for them.

Time for ale on tap and Janie on toast. Cheers!

Maxy Waxy xx